Does APC® offer uniquely keyed locks for NetShelter SX and SV Cabinets?

All NetShelter SX cabinets ship with the same lock/key for the Front Door, Rear Door and Side Panels (EMKA Key P/N 1108-U35) allowing customers to maintain a single key regardless of the number of cabinets used.
- The AR8132A combination door handles also ship with the same key/lock keyed to code #222. Although having a single key for all cabinets provides many benefits some customers are interested in having uniquely keyed locks on some, if not all, of their cabinets.
- All SX door handles and side latches have user replaceable lock cylinders, including the AR8132A combination door handle. On the NetShelter SV cabinets only the front and rear door handle have user replaceable lock cylinders. The SV side panel locks are not user replaceable.
- EMKA is APC's hardware manufacturer. They offer several different lock solutions for customers who need lock cylinders with unique key codes. Replacement lock cylinders are available with, or without, a master key (see details below). Because of the numerous options available from EMKA, APC does not stock individual lock cylinders. To make ordering easier, you can purchase replacement EMKA/APC parts from - Steel City Supply.
- When ordering uniquely keyed EMKA lock cylinders for the side latches, if you order a zinc replacement cylinder (1108-U1-V) you must also order one replacement screw per lock cylinder. This screw is EMKA 1000-277-02JB. If you are using a poly cylinder (1108-U1-SV1) you do not need the screw.
- The replacement EMKA lock cylinders attach with a single screw on the back of the handle or side latch so installing the new locks is a simple task that requires approximately five minutes per lock. Click here to download instructions.
- Uniquely keyed locks are for NetShelter SX cabinets only. They are NOT compatible with NetShelter WX, CX or the NetBotz HID door handles.
EMKA Option #2: This solution allows for up to 220 unique key codes for the front/rear doors and sides, but does not provide a master key override. EMKA Part#: 1108-U1-V (Qty 1) Door cylinder with key One 1108-U1-V must be ordered for each NetShelter. Door handle and side panel. There are 2 door handles and 4 side panels per cabinet except for the AR3104, it has two side panels.